Nouveau teaser réalisé par la team @observascope pour @lefrancbourgeoisofficiel et la peinture acrylique #Flashe avec l’artiste Londonienne @kellyannalondon en performance lors du salon @usbynightfest à Anvers en Belgique Réalisateur : @joelrejant Cameramans : @lobodirector / @c_bastou Montage : @theopitout #observascope #team #director #camera @reddigitalcinema #cinema @canonfrance #kellyanna #fineart #art #artcollector #artadvisor #instaart #collection #artworks #artist #instagram #paris #france #italy #antique #exhibition #auction #sale #soloshow #gallery #artgallery #photography #instagood
Kelly Anna is a freelance Artist and Print designer who is fast making waves in the art world with her bold & confident figurative works. Her work stands out thanks to its empowering messages — implicit in style, and explicit in the recognisably witty scrawlings.
Whilst working in Print over the last few years, Kelly Anna has had some incredible names wear her prints, ranging from Beyonce, Cara Delevingne, Foals, London Grammar – and some others too.
Her work has been championed by the likes of It’s Nice that, Risposte Magazine, Refinery29, Konbini, KK outlet and so many more.
Since then, Kelly Anna has been working for a variety of renowned clients and collaborating with some pretty cool brands…